Nokia D211 - WLAN settings (WLAN tab)

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WLAN settings (WLAN tab)

Enable power saving
Since a radio card has no direct wire connection of its own, it uses power from the

host computer. The Nokia D211 is equipped with a power saving option that

allows you to control the power consumption of your computer: you can prolong

the life of the battery when needed.
If you select the

Enable power saving check box, the radio card is fully powered

up only when sending or receiving data. The card wakes up from the power saving

mode at regular intervals to check if there is any data for it at a WLAN access

point, and wakes up immediately when there is any outgoing data.

Note: The speed of communication decreases when the power saving option

is used.
Note: The power saving option may not be compatible with WLAN access

points that are not Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) approved. Do not use power

saving with such access points.

Case-sensitive network names
By default, the name of the WLAN is case-sensitive. If you do not want the

network names to be case-sensitive, clear this check box.

Renew DHCP automatically when needed
If the network has a DHCP server and you want the system to allocate you IP

addresses automatically, select the

Renew DHCP automatically when needed

check box. You can also renew your IP address whenever you want by clicking the

Renew DHCP Now button.