Security settings (Security tab)
You can set various access codes and protect your radio card and SIM card against
unauthorised use.
Codes can only include digits from 0 to 9.
Nokia D211 features
© Nokia Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.
PIN code request
The PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is usually supplied with the SIM
card. It protects your SIM card against unauthorized use. If you set the
PIN code
request on, you are asked for the PIN code when you start the Nokia D211
program or insert the radio card, provided that you have inserted a SIM card into
the radio card. Click the
Change button to change the status.
Note: Some SIM cards do not allow turning off the PIN code request.
If you enter an incorrect PIN code three times in a row, the code is blocked and the
SIM card cannot be used. To change a blocked PIN code, you need a PUK (PIN
Unblocking Key) code. PUK is an 8-digit code supplied with the SIM card.
Security code request
The security code protects your radio card against unauthorised use, and is
supplied with the radio card. The preset code is 12345. Change the preset code and
keep the new code secret and in a safe place separate from your radio card.
If you key in an incorrect security code five times in succession, the radio card will
not accept the correct code for the next five minutes.
To change access codes:
You can change the PIN code, security code, and barring password. Note that
changing the barring password requires that the call barring service is activated
for your SIM card.
1 On the Settings page, select the Security tab and click Change Access Code.
2 The Change Access Code dialog box opens. Select from the list the access code
you want to change.
3 In the Current code box, type the code used presently.
4 In the New code box, type the new code.
Note: The access codes may only include numbers from 0 to 9. The PIN
code length must be at least four and no more than eight digits. The
length of the security code is always five digits and the length of the
barring password is four digits.
5 In the Confirm new code box, type the new code again.
6 Click OK to apply the changes and to close the dialog box.