Nokia D211 - Editing profiles

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Editing profiles

1 On the Profiles page, select the Modify tab and then select a profile from the

list. Click


2 Make the necessary changes and click OK. Profile-specific settings that can be

modified are explained on pages 28 – 32.

The Easy connection profile and profiles that are saved to a SIM card cannot

be edited.

Note: It is recommended that you do not edit a profile that is currently in use.

WLAN properties: General tab

Use WLAN connection with this profile
Select this check box if you want to use the profile for accessing a WLAN.

Operating mode
Select one of the two available operating modes. In the infrastructure mode,

computers can communicate with each other and with wired LAN stations

through a WLAN access point. In the ad hoc mode, computers can send and

receive data directly with each other. No access point is needed. See “Wireless

Local Area Network (WLAN)” on page 10 for more information.

Network name
Network name is the name of the WLAN as defined by the system administrator. In

the ad hoc operating mode, the users themselves name the WLAN. You can add a

new network name to the list, edit an existing one, or delete a name. The network

name can contain a maximum of 32 characters, and is case-sensitive by default.

Configure settings manually
There are a number of advanced WLAN settings (fragmentation threshold,

listen interval, RTS threshold, security policy, etc.), which are configured

automatically. Select this check box and click

Advanced if you want to specify a

new value manually.

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Nokia D211 features


© Nokia Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.

Caution: Do not change the settings manually unless you are sure how each

setting affects system performance. System performance may drop

dramatically if automatic settings are not used.

By default, you are automatically allocated an available radio frequency channel

without needing to specify one. You can, however, also select a particular channel

yourself: select

Channel from the list of properties, clear the Automatic check box

and select a channel from the list. Make sure that the Nokia D211 and the WLAN

access point are using the same channel.

Warning: Using the Nokia D211 in some countries or regions may be illegal.

Consult local authorities on the regulations concerning the use of the

Nokia D211.
Warning: This equipment operates at 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz. Note that in France

the use of this equipment is only allowed at the frequency band of 2.445 -

2.4835 GHz (channels 10, 11, 12, and 13).

Use WEP security
Select this check box and click

WEP Keys if you want to use Wired Equivalent

Privacy (WEP) keys for protecting the information transmitted in WLAN.
See “WEP security” on page 42 for more information.

WLAN properties: TCP/IP tab

Automated IP settings (DHCP) are enabled by default. When using DHCP (Dynamic

Host Configuration Protocol), you do not have to modify your IP settings when you

change your location.
If your local area network does not have a DHCP server, which would assign

an IP address for the radio card automatically, you need to specify the IP addresses

manually. The advanced TCP/IP settings can also be specified and configured

manually. Ask your system administrator for the correct values.

WLAN properties: SIM Services tab

Use SIM services with this profile
SIM services refers to a service that enables you to access the Internet via your

service provider’s or network operator’s own public network. Your service provider

may, for example, offer you the possibility of checking data from your company

intranet, send and receive e-mail, and save documents. SIM services are usually

available in public places such as hotels, airports, railway stations, business

centres, and corporate buildings.
A SIM card is used as a means for user identification and billing. The SIM card is

provided by the service provider or network operator.

Note: Before you can take advantage of SIM services, you must subscribe to

these services from your service provider or network operator and obtain

instructions for use.

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Nokia D211 features


© Nokia Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.

Service provider domain
Type the domain name, as in You cannot connect to SIM services

without specifying the domain name. You obtain the name from your service

provider or network operator.

Prompt when a SIM service is detected
When you are connected to a WLAN and a SIM service is detected, you are asked

whether you want to get connected. Once you have confirmed that you want to

get connected, you will be authenticated to the service.

Enable advanced connection controlling
Your wireless station sends keep-alive signals on a periodic basis to an access

controller in order to check the validity of the connection. If the wireless station

receives no response, the connection is ended automatically. If you select this

check box, your wireless station and the access controller can exchange additional

signals, which enables a quicker detection of lost connection.

GSM properties

Note: The use of GSM high-speed data services requires that your network

supports the HSCSD technology and that you have subscribed to this service.

GSM high-speed data services may cost more than normal GSM data

services. Contact your service provider for more information.

Remember to select the Nokia D211 as the modem in each data and fax

communications application. Note that the modem settings have to be separately

changed in each application.

Use GSM connection with this profile
Select this check box if you want to use the profile for making data calls. When

you have an active data call, you can access the Internet and send and receive e-

mail, for example.

GSM connection method
Select the appropriate data call type. Select

Analog if you are using a modem

connection. If you are using a ISDN connection, select

ISDN V.110 or ISDN

V.120, depending on which ISDN standard your service provider supports.

Contact your service provider for more information on which remote ISDN

connections are supported.

GSM connection speed
Select the data transmission speed. The number of timeslots used is indicated in

parenthesis and the receiving transmission rate is mentioned first.

9.6 KBIT/S


The standard GSM data transmission rate. Select this option if

the network you are using does not support HSCSD technology,

or you have problems with making a data call.

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Nokia D211 features


© Nokia Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.

HSCSD technology allows for the use of multiple timeslots during a data

connection. Data transfer is symmetric when the sending and receiving

transmission rates are the same, for example 2 timeslots + 2 timeslots. Symmetric

data transfer is ideal for working with e-mail. Data transfer is asymmetric when

the receiving transmission rate is higher than the sending transmission rate, for

example 3 timeslots + 1 timeslot. This is ideal for downloading Web pages or files.

Due to the nature of the network, data transmission rates may change during a

data connection.
You can see the receiving and sending data transmission rates on the


page under the

Operating information area.

Dial-up connection
Select a dial-up connection from the list or create a new dial-up connection using

the Windows dial-up wizard. Dial-up networking connects you to remote

networks using your radio card as a modem or ISDN adapter.

GPRS properties

Use GPRS connection with this profile
Select this check box if you want to use the profile for sending and receiving

packet data.

Use access point provided by network
Select this if you want the network to select a GPRS access point for you. The

network will connect you to an available GPRS access point automatically if this

feature is supported by the network


14.4 KBIT/S


Can be used if it is supported by the network. Do not use this

option unless you are sure your network supports it.

19.2 KBIT/S


Doubles the standard 9.6 kbit/s GSM data transmission rate.
You can select this option if your network supports HSCSD

technology and you have subscribed to GSM high-speed data


28.8 KBIT/S


Triples the 9.6 kbit/s transmission rate, or doubles the

14.4 kbit/s transmission rate. This option is ideal for working

with e-mail.
You can select this option if your network supports HSCSD

technology and you have subscribed to GSM high-speed data


43.2 KBIT/S


Triples the 14.4 kbit/s transmission rate. This option is ideal for

downloading Web pages since the radio card receives data

faster than it sends data.
You can select this option if your network supports HSCSD

technology and you have subscribed to GSM high-speed data


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Nokia D211 features


© Nokia Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.

Specify access point name manually
If you obtain the GPRS access point name from your service provider or network

operator, select this check box and type the name. An access point name is needed

to establish a connection to a GPRS network.